
Just a few short years ago, face-to-face sales meetings were the norm. At the beginning of the pandemic, 70 percent of sellers didn’t believe that virtual conversations could be as effective as in-person meetings.

Today, two-thirds of buyers prefer not to meet face to face.

Buyers are using digital channels almost as frequently as they contact your sellers. And when they do reach out, they prefer virtual and digital interactions.

Even though buyers want and prefer digital buying experiences, many companies don’t know how to adapt their approach, even if they see the need to change.

How can you make your digital presence more enticing and memorable? How can you keep your audience engaged and make your message more persuasive?

In this e-book, you’ll learn to lead higher-impact digital conversations and drive more buying decisions in your favor. You’ll see how to:

  • Create memorable digital interactions that demonstrate your insight and relevance as a trusted advisor.
  • Grab your prospect’s interest with field-tested and insight-driven personalization tactics.
  • Boost your persuasive impact by making your virtual presentations more engaging and interactive.



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