Idea exchange

Emblaze Chicago Chapter (Virtual): JOLT! Get Zapped Into Intentionality to Maximize Sales Performance in 2024 and Beyond

March 20th, 2024

5:00pm - 6:00pm CST/CDT

In navigating the seemingly never-ending change, chaos, and turbulence…finding your internal motivation can oftentimes be daunting! As sales professionals and leaders, you serve the needs of so many others, oftentimes putting them first. The question is, where do you (yes, YOU!) find YOUR motivation, and how do you keep a smile on your face through it all?

How can you leverage the concept of ‘the little things are the BIG THINGS’ in your daily life, both professionally and personally?

In this interactive virtual workshop, you'll have the opportunity to outline a game plan for prioritizing your motivation, and as a result, increasing your positive impact and sales results.

You will walk away with:

  1. Clearer understanding of priorities for life’s most important areas
  2. Action plan for staying connected (with self and others)
  3. ‘Journey-line’ framework for continuous learning and growth


Larry Long, Jr., Founder & CEO, LLJR Enterprises

Chapter events provide an opportunity to expand your professional circle and meet in person to discuss ideas and/or challenges that inevitably come up in your career. Local chapters throughout the world are just one way that Emblaze brings together the digital-first sales community for learning, networking, and sharing valuable resources to ignite revenue growth potential. If you're not yet an Emblaze member, we encourage you to join us! Learn more about Emblaze and how you can get involved beyond this meeting.

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